Cinema and UPSC: Yashwant Lohar and GS Paper 4 Syllabus

एक movie है 'यशवंत लोहार' । नाना पाटेकर ने acting करी है। बड़ी गजब की picture है और नाना पाटेकर का work बेमिसाल। ईमानदारी की इतनी critical analysis करी है जो आप किसी पुस्तक से ग्रहण नही कर सकते और अनुभव से तो एकदम नही क्योंकि ठीक ऐसे अनुभव का मतलब होगा यशवंत लोहार।
UPSC CSE  वालों के लिए ये movie GS Paper four के case study वाले portion के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है। यह चौथे पेपर के syllabus का Aptitude and Foundational Values for Civil Service , Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Competencies, Conscience and Psychology के part को cover करती है।
नाना पाटेकर एक ईमानदार,full integrity  वाला Police Inspector है, wife IAS officer है and there is a case presented in the movie which shows struggle between dharma and adharma. Going through movie, if watched to study the case , ethical dilemma and conflict of interest जैसे topics भी cover होते हैं।
Movie presents a extreme condition of integrity and a negative presence of 'state'.
Also it's a marvelous act, direction was very presentable and story is awesome. Though, for 'positivism' as per PSIR part it's an Ideal condition where higher ends(good parts) and lower ends ( evil part) persuasion of both disrupts law and order and under here in theory parts it becomes just an another story to be watched by many theories.


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